Saturday, 11 May 2013

Generic and innovative drugs market in CIS countries 2013. Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan - Reports Corner

For complete information about the report, please visit our website,-Ukraine-and-Kazakhstan/

Keep current with the changing CIS generic and innovative drug segments.
Survey conditions and track market development in Russian Ukraine and Kazakhstan to 2015.
Generic and innovative drug segments in CIS countries have played a huge role in supporting the pharmaceutical industry. Meanwhile, the effects of programmes such as Russia’s Pharma 2020, Kazakhstan’s GMP initiative and Ukraine’s updated reimbursement structure are visible in the marketplace. 
How will issues like these influence market development in the next few years? How will they change pricing structures and reimbursement schemes? What are the rules regarding data exclusivity periods and drug patent viability?
Stay informed with regard to these topics and many more by reviewing Generic and innovative drugs market in CIS countries 2013, Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan, Development forecasts for 2013-2015. This authoritative report is a single and complete source of market data, analysis and forecasts, combined to serve the needs of professionals with interests in the market.

This PMR publication includes all relevant data concerning the size and value of the generic and innovative drugs markets in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. The document enables users to perform comparative analysis of market conditions in each country quickly and simply. It provides market share data for these drug segments in each of the three countries, highlights the top selling products, and profiles the companies that lead the region in production and sale of generic and innovative preparations. The report takes a look at the future of the markets, predicting the effects of trends and regulatory actions on growth and development in carefully constructed forecasts that span the period 2013-2015.

Each country is closely examined in terms of its regulatory environment. Reimbursement structures and listing procedures are defined, along with drug patent regulations and data exclusivity periods. Pricing criteria, including VAT rates on medicines and price mark ups and the variations in rules from country to country are explained. PMR has collected information from a wide variety of reliable sources and combined it to create a single convenient and easy to use document that enables industry professionals to perform critical tasks with accuracy and confidence in their business success.

Whether investigating CIS data on the generic and innovative drug market while considering possible entry, creating or expanding a portfolio of products or providing financial or consulting services to businesses engaged in the CIS markets, Generic and innovative drugs market in CIS countries 2013, Development forecasts for 2013-2015 provides solid informational support. PMR clients consult the report when monitoring changing reimbursement lists and procedures, preparing a corporate growth strategy, locating investments, preparing corporate reports and keeping up with regulatory changes in the CIS region. 

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