Friday, 21 June 2013

Telecom Network API Marketplace: Strategy, Ecosystem, Players and Forecasts 2013 - 2018 - Reports Corner

For complete information about the report, please visit our website,-Ecosystem,-Players-and-Forecasts-2013---2018/

While a large part of the market is yet to understand their technological and strategic significance, Telco Network APIs play a critical part in carrier networks as a secondary stream of revenue.  Telco Network APIs capitalize on existing network infrastructure to create a vast array of business opportunities for carriers worldwide.  In essence, these APIs allow carriers to disseminate a wealth of internal information or resources to third parties.  This could entail everything from network QoS for video service delivery to Subscriber Data Management (SDM) for advertising and profiling, the goal being to enable third party developers to offer services in return for revenues.
Today nearly 24 % of all web and 15 % of all mobile applications utilize APIs. This figure is expected to increase to over 68 % by the end of 2018, drive by growing investments from the vendor, developer and the carrier community.  As a consequence the Telco Network APIs market is expected to account for $ 157 Billion in global revenues worldwide by 2018, growing at a CAGR of 38 % between 2013 and 2018.
Telecom Network API Marketplace: Strategy, Ecosystem, Players and Forecasts 2013 - 2018 provides an in-depth assessment of the global Telco Network APIs market, including business models, value chain analysis, operator and vendor strategies and a quantitative assessment of the industry from 2012 till 2018.
The report addresses the following key topics:
The Business Case for Telco Network APIs:  An assessment of the business case for Telco Network APIs
API Aggregation: The role of API Aggregators, the total cost usage for APIs with aggregation and a review of aggregator API usage by category.
Competitive Issues: Competitive issues within the Telco API market such as reduction in TCO, open APIs and ease of configuration.
The Value Chain of Telco Operator APIs Usage:  An analysis of the value chain of Telco operator API usage for services including an assessment of revenue across participants in the value chain from end users, developers, aggregators to the API owners, and how this economic model will change over time.
Operator, Application Provider & Vendor Strategies:  An analysis of how operators, application providers and vendors will position themselves to capitalize on network APIs
Analysis of Telco and Non-Telco Network APIs:  Includes major Telco network and Non-Telco Network APIs and mashups throughout the globe, and an assessment of which APIs will lead the market in the future.
Market Analysis and Forecasts:  A global and regional assessment of the market size and forecasts for the Telco Network API market from 2012 till 2018
Key Findings:
• The telecom networks API market will grow at a CAGR of 38 % between 2013 and 2018, eventually accounting for $ 157 Billion in global revenue by the end of 2018
• In terms of regional revenue split, the Asia Pacific, North America and Western Europe region will remain to be the largest market segments by the end of 2018, while the Latin & Central America and Middle East & Africa regions will see the healthiest growth rates over the next five years.
• In terms of individual API categories, the Subscriber Data Management (SDM) category will witness the fastest growth rate and will eventually account for $ 29 Billion in global revenue by the end of 2018
• The average volume of API transactions for a Tier 1 wireless carrier will significantly increment over the next five years eventually reaching 160 Billion transactions a month on average.

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